
Tickets Direct


Rail Europe

Rail Pass

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Getting Around

Airport to Train Station: Bus from outside the Gara Centrale Train Station to the airport


Tickets & Discounts

Looking to travel between the countries of Luxembourg, Germany or France? Well you can with the “Saar-Lor-Lux-Ticket”. Either for individual travellers, or for mini-groups from 2 to 5 people (adult or children).

Students can avail of a Flexi Junior, in Luxembourg, to the free movement throughout the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (AVL, CFL, and RGTR CTBT) in 2nd class in Lorraine, of free movement in all trains and buses and TER Métrolor (on the path defined on the certificate)

Seniors aged 60 or over can avail of a 50% discount on the four travel networks. Children under 6 travel for free.  Child discounts available for those aged 6-11 years.

flag on traintripmaster

Onboard Stuff

Seats & Beds: 1st and 2nd class seating. No sleeping accommodation.

Baggage: 2 bags and 1 carry-on bag.

Onboard Services: Luxembourg trains are known to be very comfortable and modern.

Station Stuff: Lockers, luggage storage, café and info desk.


The small print

Direct high-speed trains link Paris with Luxembourg in 2h15. Tickets sent to any address worldwide except the USA or can be collected at the station. There are regular trains from the Netherlands to Luxembourg. No advance reservation is necessary, just buy a ticket at the station and hop on the next train.